Ref. №: CB006.1.11.165
DURATION: 15 months (October 2016 – January 2018)
FUNDING ORGANIZATION: Interreg-IPA "Bulgaria – the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia" cross-border Programme 2014-2020 (CCI No 2014TC16I5CB006)
PRIORITY AXIS 1: Environment
SPECIFIC OBJECTIVE: 1.1 Environmental protection and sustainable use of the common natural resources of the CBC area
TOTAL BUDGET: 112 843.54 EUR
- Main target groups are 9 Municipalities:
- Blagoevgrad, Sandanski, Кresna, Simitli and Strumyani in the Republic of Bulgaria;
- Berovo, Pehchevo, Delchevo and Vinica in the Republic of North Macedonia;
- Business entities from the region that will be involved in project activities;
- NGOs;
- Public institutions from the project municipalities.
The main objective of project “Joint Integrated Policy for Low-Carbon Economy in Cross-Border Region” is to contribute directly to the transition of the Cross-Border Region’s Economy from Carbon-intensive to Low-carbon basis as a part EU effort to transition the Europe’s economy. To achieve this objective, the projects partners will implement a direct cross-border joint monitoring of natural resources in 9 border municipalities (Berovo, Pehcevo, Delcevo and Vinica in Macedonia and Blagoevgrad, Sandanski, Kresna, Simitli and Strumyani in Bulgaria), as well as creating prerequisite for Low-carbon Economy and Sustainable Development in this area. Joint analysis of carbon emissions in the region will show the real state of the Carbon Footprint (CO2 emissions) and Greenhouse Gases (GHG), also underlining the necessity for their reduction.
All of these activities aim to develop a Joint Policy for Low-carbon Economy, which could contribute by acting as guidance for the local authorities and other stakeholders, towards transition to Sustainable Cross-Border Development.
To achieve this, a joint research activities, inventories, information and know how exchange will be implemented. Joint network will be established with participation of all stakeholders from both sides of the border, representing Public, Private and Civil Sectors. Additionally a system for coordination, information and experience exchange between the municipalities targeted by the project will be jointly developed and joint workshops will be held on in Cross-Border Area. This way the project will contribute to establishment of direct contacts between the local stakeholders in both border regions.
- Analysis of the situation with carbon emission in the border region and
- Monitoring of air pollution in the towns will be done in all 9 project municipalities (Berovo, Pehchevo, Delchevo, Vinica in Macedonia and Blagoevgrad, Simitli, Kresna, Strumyani and Sandanski in Bulgaria) as a starting point of the project, with responsibility of both project partners.
- Two Workshops with local authorities and business sector will be organized in East (MK) and Blagoevgrad (BG) region
- Development of joint cross-border low-carbon economy policy paper is core activity of the project that will be implemented in 9 project municipalities with participation of local stakeholders and using data from activities 1 and 5. Conducting carbon foot print reports with recommendations for public and business facilities in the region is important activity for target groups that will provide framework for the next activities towards reduction of carbon consumption and it will be implemented in all 9 project municipalities.
- Establishing cross-border network for joint low-carbon economy will be one of the outputs of the project with participation of all relevant stakeholders from East and Blagoevgrad region, responsible for monitoring of implementation of Joint policy paper and provide future cooperation.
- Study visits for experience exchange will be organized in Blagoevgrad and East region in order to promote positive examples connected to the low-carbon economy.
- Informative public campaign on Climate change and the importance of lowering the Carbon footprint will be implemented in both project regions, using different approaches and different media channels.
- Final conference for promotion of the project results will held in Pehchevo with participation of representatives from both project regions.
- Increased capacities of municipalities, business sector and NGOs for environmental protection, sustainable development and low-carbon practices;
- Developed joint low-carbon economy policy paper for cross border region as a framework for future activities and cooperation in this area
- Raised awareness among target groups and general public for environmental protection and importance of low-carbon practices
The project is co-funded by EU through the Interreg-IPA CBC Bulgaria – the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Programme 2014-2020, CCI No.2014TC16I5CB006.
The contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of Renewable Energy Sources Cluster and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union or the Managing Authoring of the Programme.